Special Issue on “Neural Computation for Rehabilitation” Published in Biomed Research International
Dr.Gunduz served as Guest Editor for a special issue on Neural Computation for Rehabilitation published in Biomed Research International Journal. The special issue is open access and features thirteen high-quality peer reviewed articles, which present the current state-of-art knowledge of this emerging interdisciplinary research area.
We hope that this special issue will help to promote the further development of neural computation methodologies for rehabilitation. Improved understanding between neural plasticity and rehabilitation, as well as improved methodologies for the diagnosis of disorders and the evaluation of progress in behavior and physiology may lead to better performance outcomes in neurorehabilitation. Such methods can also reduce the cost, duration and overall impact of neurological disease. In addition to reducing suffering and improving quality of life, neurorehabilitation when combined with novel neural computation methods has the potential to advance our knowledge about the mechanisms of the nervous system.